9 Day Retreat, garden route, Cape Town
FEBRUARY 24th - MARCH 3rd 2024!
5 Day Option Available (Feb 24-28th!)

Come join a circle of devoted women on this sacred land in South Africa.
This retreat is a profound journey into the temple of the facets of your feminine essence. You shall undergo a holy initiation and grounding into her depths. Every step of the way, Juliet will support you through this beautiful awakening, healing, discovery and remembering of our divine healing sexual feminine gifts.
This is a journey of wholeness and holiness, inner union of masculine and feminine essences, embracing your humanity, embodying your divinity and birthing your soul through your womanly heart, womb and being.
When women support each other on this profound journey, grace emerges and the depths of love, wisdom, power, healing and beauty blooms.
Through the awakening of the feminine through our womanly bodies, we birth love into the world. The Divine Masculine is in service to us and we are in union with the Divine Feminine, Great Mother and the Earth.
This is our gift and calling as women during these times!
This duration of time we have to go deeper together will open us to an entirely different place in embodying the Feminine Divine in our sexuality, our hearts, our relationships, our communities, our creations and in our world.

This part of South Africa has a profound frequency of the Primordial Mother and her raw wild powerful nature. We shall gather in sacred sisterhood for 9 days immersed deep in the mountains near the Southern most tip of Africa. We will be within the region of a Sacred Earth Ley line, which traverses along the spine of Africa into Egypt.
This retreat is part of the three layers of initiation through the Wisdom School and is open to women who are currently working with juliet gaia and to new women who hear the deep call from within.

Women share their awakening journeys...

Become the embodiment of love through awakening the depths of the feminine
Remember who you truly are through the power of your divine sexual essence
Embrace intimate relating with yourself, other and all of life as a healing and awakening path
Love your sacred wounds as gateways into your woman soul and the power of softeneing and vulnerability
Embrace intimate relationship with the masculine as a spiritual path for your deepening into wholeness
Welcome your feelings by melting the hardened protection around your heart and womb
Surrender into the wisdom and nourishment of the earth as the manifest body of the divine feminine
Relax into the vast mystery of life, the sweet fertile nectar of creation, your true essence as woman
Embody the power of creation by sitting in the flame of truth that burns through the untruths
Surrender into the wisdom and nourishment of the body of the earth, the pulse of life
Discover the mystery of life, the feminine fulfilment and open to her grace guiding you
Open your radiant inner beauty by embodying your sexual essence within your heart connected to the divine
Transform the collective conditioning, personal and ancestral patterning of the feminine creating imprints within your psyche
Unify the core split within women's psyches between the virgin and harlot / lilith and eve / light and dark feminine / love and power / heart and belly
Heal the betrayal wound amongst women and awaken true deep nourishing holding sisterhood
Receive the divine masculine as truth, integrity, containment and devotional love in service to the feminine
Deepen into who you truly are, where the masculine is in devotion to the awakened feminine birthing your gifts into the world

The days shall be a flow of teaching transmissions, individual and group engagement and a series of feminine embodiment and inner union practices. Other processes involve ceremony, ritual, dancing, journaling, contemplation and truthful reflection. There shall be spacious time for integration and contemplation on the land.

This is a residential retreat and your investment is between R9,000 - R29,000
(including teachings, accommodation and wholesome organic vegetarian meals).
There are three 20% partial scholarships available for the Tipi accommodation for women in need of financial assistance and payment plans are available upon request!
Enquire with Lorienne Oshen for South African women rates at programs@depthsoffeminine.earth.
(International Women email Lorienne for international retreat rates)

R14,400 (1 Spot left)
Bring your own tent and have access to shared outdoor showers and bathrooms

R29,500 (2 Spots left)
Sharing twin room in a wooden cabin with kitchen, balcony and shared bathroom inside

R16,800 (2 Spots Left)
Single bed in shared Tipi which sleeps four and have access to shared outdoor showers and bathrooms

Private room in a wooden cabin with kitchen, balcony and shared bathroom inside

R25,300 (1 Spot left)
Sleeper couch in wooden cabin with kitchen, balcony and shared bathroom inside

Arrival: Saturday February 24th: Between 2pm - 4pm
Departure: Sunday March 3rd: 12pm - 2pm
Sessions during the Retreat :
Morning 10:30-12:30
Afternoon 3-5:30
Evening 8-9:30
From Cape Town International Airport is a 7 hour drive.
From George Domestic Airport is a 2 hour drive.
A shuttle service may be organised if we receive bookings from more than 6 international participants.
Alternatively there shall be lift shares arranged.

This journey into the feminine unravels ancient conditioning, imprinting and patterning through our bodies and the greater body of Her.
And touches deep tenderness, where we welcome, and embrace our humanity.
True healing and harmony is birthed between the feminine and masculine.
Our wounds become gateways into our woman souls.
Our sexual essence unites with our divinity and our rose hearts bloom with the fragrance of love.
We remember why we are here and we rest home within our wild and graceful innocent nature.
Our feminine essence ripples out into our intimate relating with ourselves, our sexuality, our intimate relationships, families, communities and our creations.
The awakening of the feminine births our divinity through our womanly bodies.
Our lives become rooted in love, wonder, beauty, grace and wisdom.
This is a blessing to all beings and to the world!
This body of work is an inward journey into the depths of your woman soul united with the earth, your divinity embodied.



Juliet Gaia is the founder of Depths of Feminine Wisdom School. Her gift is to guide women into the remembering of who they truly are, through the awakening of the feminine in harmony with the masculine. Juliet is honoured to have touched over 3000 women across 5 continents with her offerings of love.
Juliet's guidance comes through her direct connection with the Feminine Divine and her embodied wisdom of living the Inner Marriage and being in Intimate Relationship as a Spiritual Path. Juliet has been touched by profound beings along her journey of awakening and is in honor to those who have come before her.
Juliet’s primordial transmission awoke through immersing in nature opening into the depths. She spent over thirteen thousand hours listening, feeling and sensing into the fine subtlety of the pure aliveness, potency, love and wisdom of the feminine moving through her body by uniting with the Sun and the Earth. It was during this time that she received a clear message that she is here to birth the feminine into the world. Juliet has been dedicated to this path for many years with a deep meeting of the masculine, the light of consciousness within her body as truth, silence and presence in devotional love for the feminine.
The feminine continues to awaken more deeply through Juliet, with the willingness to embrace all of humanity with love and presence. The feminine transmits through Juliet's being with grace sharing wisdom, transformation, nourishment, love and healing, birthing the soul petal by petal.
Juliet was born in South Africa and has travelled internationally offering her body of work for some years. She now tends holy land in New Mexico with her partner and soul family. Juliet holds in-person retreats in America, Europe and South Africa. Through her Wisdom School she offers three layers of initiation; a 13 month healing and awakening journey, a 9 month creation & facilitation training and a 7 month intensive apprenticeship for women on the embodied path of awakening.