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awakening depths of feminine,

a path of wholeness and holiness..

Uniting our divinity

with our humanity!


depths of feminine wisdom school offers three layers of initiation
through the transmission of the divine union inclusive of our humanity and our divinity.
a 13-month transformational journey,
a 9-month creation & facilitation training and a 7 month mystery apprenticeship.
The school also offers shorter immersions, in-person retreats and
private mentorship across 5 continents.


Our next 13-month transformational journey begins march 2025!

Awakening Depths of Feminine ~ 13 Month Journey
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The feminine path is a path of wholeness and holiness,
a path of healing and awakening, of the light entering into the deepest
darkness, of coming home to who we truly are and why we are here.

As we rest into our essence as embodied women, we unravel untruths and conditionings.
And by embracing our wounds with love and presence, as holy gateways into
our woman souls, we become whole.

As we commune with the earth an
d the feminine divine,
her wild sacred beauty awakens through us,
and we become vessels of her grace,
in union with the masculine divine within us!

this is a return to love, a return to soul, a return of the feminine in our world.

Our lives become rooted in love, wo
nder, dignity, beauty, power and holy wisdom!

When women support each other on this profound journey, deep healing opens, her power rises, her grace descends and the depths of the feminine is awakened and embodied within our hearts and our wombs through the inner union.

through the awakening of the feminine we birth love into our world in honor, devotion and in communion with the earth and the divine. 


introducing our new

~ gaia rose membership ~

We invite you to join a supportive women's circle for your sustained journey into the depths of the Feminine within your Living Life!

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annual or monthly memberships available!
Join at any time!

women share their journeys into the depths of the feminine...

Women share their journeys into the Feminine ~
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Image by Annie Spratt
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this journey into the feminine unravels ancient conditioning locked in the shadow through our bodies and the greater body of her. this touches deep tenderness, where we welcome, and embrace our humanity. true healing and union is birthed between the feminine and masculine within us and between us. our sexual essence unites with our divinity and our hearts bloom with the fragrance of love. We remember why we are here and we rest home within our wild and innocent nature. 

the depths of the feminine ripples out into our intimate relating with ourselves, our sexuality, our relationships, families, communities and our creations. the awakening of the feminine births our divinity through our womanly bodies.

this is a blessing to all beings and to the world!
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dear women,

I’m honored to guide you on your journey into the depths of the feminine. A journey inwards and downwards, the light entering into the darkest shadow. A journey of healing and awakening, embodying your divinity, embracing your humanity and birthing your unique woman soul gifts.


During this time in our evolution women are the birthers of the new way. Women all over the world are hearing the call to awaken the return of Love, the return of Earth wisdom, the return of our connection with the Divine. Women are anchoring the Feminine Divine into our world through deeply resting into our hearts and wombs; and uniting with the Earth. Women are birthers of love in our relationships, our creations, our communities, and in the world.


The Feminine has been repressed for thousands of years and now she is being unearthed and is rising and descending in all people in union with the masculine.

This journey is an honoring of the Feminine, as the power of creation, the mystery of life. She is Great Mother holding us in her nourishment, wisdom, deep knowing and receptivity. She softly opens through us as a sacred rose of beauty, devotional love and healing, and ignites within us as the flame of truth and pure Shakti awakening. She is calling us to listen, to come home into Her depths, to rest within our vessels, and to transmit her grace through our womanly bodies, actions and voices during these transformational times in our world. 


I look forward to being with the women who hear the deep call.


With love,
Juliet Gaia Rose

Founder of Depths of Feminine Wisdom School

recorded self-study offerings

Explore the Online Shop where you shall find recordings of The Wisdom School's self study courses and online workshops, retreats and programs that you can engage with in your own time.

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One-on-one Sessions / Mentorship Programs

Juliet offers a one-on-one 3 month mentorship for women who have a sincere dedication to deepening in their embodied awakening of the Divine Feminine, and for couples in relationship as a spiritual path through the Divine Union.

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In-Person Retreat Programs

Juliet holds in-person retreats linked with her 13 month and 9 month online programs in America, Europe and South Africa. Her next 9 day in-person retreat will be in France during 2025. Watch the calendar for updates, the schedule will be released in soon!

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Online Programs:
3 layers of initiation

The Wisdom School offers an initiation path of Divine Union through a 13 month healing and awakening journey, 9 month creation and facilitation program & 7 month mystery apprenticeship. The Wisdom School also offers a monthly membership.

* Programs with Juliet are held in love and presence.
The transmission of the feminine is palpable through her being.



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*We respect your privacy and will hold what you've shared sacred. We will not share your information with anyone. By registering you will be added to Juliet's Periodic Newsletter. You can opt out at any time.

© 2024 Depths of Feminine Wisdom School. All rights reserved.

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